Holmes Beach Rental Ordinance 16-02 update : September 2016
If you have a property in Holmes Beach you should have received a letter from Chief Tokajer by now dated September 1st, 2016. It explains a few details regarding the vacation rental ordinance which affects all weekly rentals in Holmes Beach. One detail not discussed in the letter is the requirement to move all rental signage to be no more than 10 feet from the structure of the vacation rental and parallel to the street. If you visit your rental property and notice your sign in it’s new place please leave as is. This is part of the new vacation rental ordinance and all weekly rental owners need to comply.
There are informational meetings scheduled for September 19th and September 22nd at 6 PM. The Holmes Beach letter notes a number of bullet points that will be learned from the educational meetings. In addition, all Holmes Beach weekly rental owners should keep in mind that the initial application process is now open and January 1st, 2017 all weekly rental applications are due.
If you did not receive a letter here is a copy. If you have not had a chance to review the latest new Vacation rental ordinance please visit the Holmes Beach City website and review Ordinance 16-02.
Lastly, many R1 owners as of late are appealing to the Holmes Beach commission to postpone the move to monthly rental minimums effective March 2017. If you have a weekly rental in Holmes Beach in the R1 district starting April 1st, 2017 it will be required to rent once per month and no less. If you have further questions about the R1 ordinance please seek guidance from your professional property manager or call Holmes Beach City for further details.