Update on Florida Legislation for 2017 – SB 188 and HB 425
This is an update on the Florida Legislation process for 2017. As most know Senator Steube introduced a bill in the Senate and Representative La Rosa introduced a bill in the House that would significantly curb the ability for local municipalities to place restrictions on Vacation Rentals. Frankly the association has mixed feelings on the bills and while we understand the State of Florida is grappling with rules and restrictions on vacation rentals we do feel Anna Maria Island does require some guidelines to ensure the authenticity of our resort area. We could all argue for years where we feel the city has over reached on occupancy along with a few other subjects but Bert Harris for individual owners is the method for taking back property rights if they feel the city has over reached.
The Senate bill 188 has significantly been changed and is now a mere shell of what it once was. The bill will have very little effect on Anna Maria Island and the prior ordinance passed. For an update of the progress of SB 188 visit our information page on the subject.
House Bill 425 sponsored by Representative La Rosa is in the last committee and appears for a second reading awaiting edits. This bill has not been modified significantly from it’s original version and if passed in its current version could have an unfavorable affect on our current vacation rental ordinances in Holmes Beach and Anna Maria City. Visit HB 425 web page for updates on the progression of HB 425.
Just a reminder if HB 425 passes in it’s current form both the senate and house will need to get together and find compromise to pass a bill both legislative bodies can agree to. Keep an eye on HB 425 as appears the “Regulated Industry” committee has plans to modify the bill to either get it through their committee or make an attempt at a compromise so it has an opportunity with revisions to pass throught he senate. This is all speculation.